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Offre de stage MASTER 1

Etude du niveau de Prise de Décision Partagée perçu par les patients atteints de maladies chroniques en France – Enquête en ligne au sein de la cohorte ComPaRe 

Etude dans le cadre du projet « DECICOMPARE »

Offre de stage .pdf

Offre de stage MASTER 2 de Santé Publique parcours HS-CR

Etat des lieux de la pair aidance en oncologie en France.

Etude dans le cadre du projet « PAROLE ONCO FRANCE » 

-  Domaine de recherche : Recherche sur les services de santé, sciences de l’implémentation
-  Méthodes : méthodes mixtes quantitatives et qualitatives
-  Discipline clinique : Pair aidance, oncologie, partenariat patient

Offre de stage en .pdf

Le 4 juillet 2024 notre équipe PROMESS a présenté le travail suivant : 

Evaluation of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Fitness levels in Medical Students : An Alarming Situation

Mathilde MURA 1, Angèle METAIS 2,4, Vincent PIALOUX 3, Christophe HAUTIER 3, Mélina AOUIDAT 4, Olivier LOISEL 4, Guillaume BODET 5 , Gilles RODE 4,6,7,  Sophie SCHLATTER  2,4,8


Nous recherchons des étudiants rentrant en 3ème année de médecine à la rentrée pour participer à des entretiens sur les thèmes de la santé et l’activité physique. Scannez ce QR code ou cliquez sur ce lien pour vous inscrire :

Two members of Reshape are winners of the AP "Structurants"

Two projects from the Reshape laboratory are funded by SHAPE-Med@Lyon

- ECTOCHIP, Evaluation of standard and innovative therapies for endometrial cancer in an original and mechanically relevant 3D organ-on-a-chip model
Stefan Catheline (LabTAU) and Isabelle Ray-Coquard (RESHAPE|CLB)

- Natur’Health, transdisciplinary study of the health benefits of nature: from mechanisms to interventions
Julie Haesebaert (RESHAPE|HCL) and Frédéric Haesebaert (CRNL|Vinatier)

See more (french) .pdf

MCU-PH and PU-PH congratulatory ceremony on February 6, 2024

Three members of the RESHAPE laboratory were part of the congratulatory ceremony organized at the Town Hall of Lyon to welcome the newly appointed University/Hospital Professors ans Associated Professors. The event took place at the City Hall of Lyon on February 6, 2024:

- Marie Viprey, Epidemiology, health economics and prevention (MCU-PH)
- Julie Haesebaert, Epidemiology (PU-PH)
- Julien Peron, Cancerology (PU-PH)

AG December 1st, 2023

Here are the highlights of our Annual General Meeting held on Friday December 1st. 

Formation "Supporting patient adherence to medication"

The aim of this interprofessional training course is to enable participants to acquire fundamental knowledge of therapeutic adherence and skills in EM. The training aims to implement a semi-structured approach to medication adherence, placing the patient at the center of the interview in order to support him/her (motivational approach).

Internship offer - Master 2 d'Evaluation réaliste d’un programme de maintien en emploi après cancer du sein : RECOVA-FASTRACS

L’équipe RECOVA-FASTRACS « Evaluation réaliste d’un programme de maintien en emploi après cancer du sein », au sein du laboratoire RESHAPE - Research on Healthcare Performance (U1290), UCBL/INSERM recrute un(e) stagiaire pour participer à l’évaluation dans une approche réaliste de l’intervention FASTRACS (faciliter et soutenir le retour au travail après un cancer du sein).

Internship offer - Master 2 de Recherche sur les services de santé (H/F)

L’équipe IMPULSE « Impact des nouvelles organisations de soins, politiques publiques et communications sur l’utilisation des produits de santé », au sein du laboratoire RESHAPE - Research on Healthcare Performance (U1290), UCBL/INSERM recrute un(e) stagiaire épidémiologiste pour participer aux projets de recherche en pharmaco-épidémiologie menés à partir des données du Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS).

Job offer Epidemiologist - Impulse Team

Dans le cadre du développement de l’équipe IMPULSE, le/la candidat(e) aura pour mission la conception, la mise en oeuvre et la valorisation des résultats d’études épidémiologiques sur des produits de santé à partir de grandes bases de données, en particulier celles du Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS).

Internship offer - Master 2 au Pôle de pédopsychiatrie du CHS Le Vinatier

Le pôle de pédopsychiatrie du CHS Le Vinatier propose d’accueillir des étudiants de Master 2 en stage avec pour objectif de participer à un projet de recherche concernant l’impact du dispositif innovant de la plateforme d’orientation des premières demandes en psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent (POP) sur le pronostic des enfants.

Thesis proposal for EDISS 2023 candidate

RESHAPE is looking for a candidate to be prepared and presented to the EDISS doctoral school competition 

PROMESS Project : Preventive Remediation for Optimal MEdical StudentS 

Scientific Meeting March 17, 2023 at 12:30

Recommended screenings especially target cancers, cardio-metabolic conditions, infections, and psycho-social problems. There are simultaneously an insufficient coverage of the recommended screenings and a misuse of certain non-recommended screenings.

Chaire Inserm 2023 : Join Us!

RESHAPE launches a call for applications for the INSERM Junior Research Chair in the field of Health Services Research.

IRESP Call 2022 Health services and transformation of medicosocial offer

A researcher of the lab is a winner of the IRESP call «Healthcare services and transformation of the medico-social offer” session 4 of the research support program: “Autonomy:...

RESHAPE general meeting on December 2, 2022 at 9 a.m

RESHAPE 2th general meeting 

The general meeting will be held on December 2, 2022 at 9 a.m 

It will take place at the Lacassagne amphitheater in Rockefeller (historic place of anatomical...

IRESP : Call for project 2021 on Health services, Interventions and Politics on health promotion (SIP)

Two researchers of the Lab are laureates of this call : Stéphanie Mazza and Thomas Gilbert

Thomas GILBERT with MAYFAIR - Developing and implementing meaningful activities facilitators in...

Coming soon RESHAPE executive committee

RESHAPE executive committee 

The executive committee will meet on July 1, 2022

RESHAPE laboratory committee

RESHAPE laboratory committee 

The RESHAPE laboratory committee  met on may 20, 2022 to discuss topics related to the evolution of the laboratory.

RESHAPE researchers' retirement

RESHAPE researchers' retirement April 6, 2022

the reshape laboratory researchers' retreat was held on april 6, 2022 to discuss topics related to the smooth running of the laboratory;

Inserm CEO visit, Gilles Bloch, on March 18, 2022

RESHAPE executive committee

RESHAPE executive committee 

The executive committee of the RESHAPE laboratory met on february 11, 2022 to discuss the functioning of the laboratory.

First French-speaking interprofessional training course: "SUSTAINING PATIENT ADHERENCE TO TREATMENT".

This training, supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and ESPACOMP (International Society for Drug Adherence), is the result of collaboration between the RESHAPE laboratory (INSERM-UCBL...

Corinne DUPONT, researcher at the RESHAPE laboratory and first midwife to become a professor in France

The RESHAPE laboratory is very proud to have accompanied Corinne DUPONT, the first midwife to become a University Professor in France, since the beginning of her career.

Appointed at the Claude...

Chargement en cours...