Corinne DUPONT, researcher at the RESHAPE laboratory and first midwife to become

Corinne DUPONT, researcher at the RESHAPE laboratory and first midwife to become a professor in France

The RESHAPE laboratory is very proud to have accompanied Corinne DUPONT, the first midwife to become a University Professor in France, since the beginning of her career.

Appointed at the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, this position opens the way to a better complementarity between research and midwifery.

When she began her research in the early 2000s, certain preventable causes of maternal mortality were still too common. When reading a confidential national survey on maternal deaths, Corinne Dupont was confronted with 2 observations: delivery hemorrhages represent the first cause of post-partum death, and these are mostly avoidable.

She then undertook, with the support of teacher-researchers from the UCBL (who created the HESPER laboratory in 2016 and then RESHAPE in 2021) and the HCL, a national research program on delivery haemorrhage, which was accompanied by numerous international publications and very concretely, among other things, by the implementation of the first recommendations on the national level aiming at a more reasoned use of oxytocin

Corinne Dupont has more recently turned her attention to the patient experience, with the objective of identifying and characterizing possible inappropriate obstetrical behaviors in order to reduce them.

This appointment to the position of University Professor rewards Corinne Dupont for her contributions to the improvement of midwifery care through research. It is also the recognition of a complementarity between research and clinical practice that is essential to her.

Corinne Dupont opens the way for the development of research in maieutics thanks to this new position.

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