RESHAPE Scientific Meeting June 23, 2023 at 12:30

Scientific Meeting June 23, 2023 at 12:30

Camille CarpentierPost-doctorante en Psychologie Sociale de la Santé, Unité INSERM U1296, Radiations : Défense, Santé, Environnement, Université Lumière Lyon II - Institut de Psychologie 

Thesis presentation : Exploring the experience of people with aphasia following a stroke and their caregivers: a psychosocial approach to situations of disability and social participation

This thesis focuses on the psychosocial determinants of the situations of disability and social participation of people with aphasia following a stroke and their caregivers, by mobilizing the Model of Human Development - Process of Production of Disability (MDH-PPH) . It aims to analyze the social treatment of aphasic disorders but also to better understand the experience of the people concerned, by focusing particularly on the social representations of disability, the processes of stigmatization and the social sharing of emotions. Few research having allowed the experience of people with aphasia, the objective is also to propose a methodology adapted to communication disorders in order to be able to develop future research taking into account the experience of this population.

Two qualitative research components were integrated, each focusing on a time in the journey of people with aphasia and their caregivers: the acute phase of the stroke, focusing on caregiver-patient relationships as well as the announcement of aphasic disorders; the chronic phase of stroke by exploring the experience of disability situations from an identity and emotional perspective. The analysis of these two aspects of research with regard to the MDH-PPH has made it possible to identify personal determinants (communicational adjustments, concordance of identity enhancement strategies) and environmental determinants (social representations of the "disabled person", stigmatization, access to an association, legal and administrative system) of the situations of disability and social participation of the aphasic person-caregiver dyad.

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