Reshape | Sacha MAIRET


PhD Student Contact :


Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Research on Healthcare Performance (RESHAPE) U1290

Research axis

Title of thesis : Improvement of caregiver well-being, and the caregiver-patient/parent relationship in high emotional intensity care settings (pediatric cardiac itensive care unit) and its association with the quality of care improvement 

Year of registration : Octobre 2023

Co-directors : Pr Piriou Vincent ; Dr Lilot Marc

Summary of the thesis : 
Context: Numerous studies have documented the rates of burnout syndrome, prevalent stress states, and general discomfort experienced by healthcare personnel (1;2). These observations suggest a potential impact on patient care, with a suspected decrease in efficiency and quality of care compared to an optimal ideal (3;4). These stress states are partly associated with deteriorated quality of interprofessional relationships (1;2). This situation can lead to a spiral of deterioration in the caregiver-patient relationship (patient's family) since poor relations and care for the patient's family can lead to conflicts (5), which can in turn increase the stress levels of caregivers, a risk factor for burnout. The overall scenario can contribute to caregiver turnover, further intensifying the deleterious spiral. To improve this situation from the perspective of the mental health of nurses, a multimodal program (including training via simulation) led by El Khamali (6) demonstrated beneficial effects on nurses and a reduction in perceived conflicts with patients' families. Intervention programs are often single-centered (nurses or physicians), so a study involving hospital staff in general seems relevant. Additionally, in the context of a child's hospitalization, parents may experience high levels of stress and anxiety, leading to sleep disturbances (8), a higher incidence of acute stress disorders, and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Objectives: This thesis project aims to study and enhance the well-being of healthcare providers, patients, and their parents by implementing strategies to optimize care and the caregiver-patient relationship in pediatric thoracic cardiac resuscitation services.

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